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How To Stop Procrastinating and Start Taking Action in Your Business

How To Stop Procrastinating and Start Taking Action in Your Business

Article written by Veronica Volk

Have you been procrastinating on a critical project lately? If yes, let me guess – the project may feel too overwhelming, or you may need to allocate more time to it. 

So, I want to ask you: “What is the actual cost of procrastinating and not doing those important projects or tasks in your life or business?” Because it’s not just one Instagram, Facebook Reel, or TikTok. It’s not just 2-3 clients you have not reached out to. It’s not just 2-3 clients you have not enrolled in your programs or courses. 

Over the past several months, a year, or even several years – what are the cumulative opportunities lost in your business? When I do this exercise with clients in my coaching and hypnosis practice, sometimes we can see that procrastination has cost them dozens or hundreds of thousands in lost income over the years. What is the cost of not addressing this issue today in your business? 

Let’s explore the causes, effects, and strategies for how to stop procrastinating to help female entrepreneurs reach their goals. By understanding and, more importantly, addressing procrastination, female entrepreneurs can be more successful in their businesses and learn to live a happier, more fulfilling, and more productive life. 

Procrastination, the habit of delaying tasks, gets in the way of many female entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. It is a common tendency and can profoundly impact someone’s life and business. It is often driven by fear of failure, the unknown, and a lack of motivation. 

Procrastination is often driven by fear of failure, the unknown, and a lack of motivation. Quote from Veronica Volk

Procrastination can easily result in decreased productivity, increased stress, and feelings of not being good enough. Karen Lamb said: “A year from now, you may wish you had started today.” 

Does it sound familiar? You keep thinking: “I should check my finances and get them in order,” “I should network more or reach out to an old client or a new potential client,” “I should work on this particular project,” “I should create an Instagram Reel or Tik Tok,” “I should be posting on social media or writing an article .” And the list goes on. 

All those never-ending “shoulds.” 

Every morning, when you wake up, you get that tight, heavy feeling in your throat or stomach just thinking about everything you haven’t done. You put all those items on your To Do list for the next day. You go to bed, convincing yourself that you will take action the next day. But you don’t. 

And let’s face it – most of the time, the things we procrastinate on – are not even that difficult. They seem complicated and uncomfortable to us. We can’t seem to start working on them because, frequently, our feelings get in the way and prevent us from taking action. 

We might have a lot of resistance, don’t feel like doing the task, or convince ourselves that we don’t know how or where to start. We tend to make the tasks seem more complex than they are. We might begin to feel guilt and shame, which can, in turn, drag us down, and prevent us from seeing the possibilities of what we can do. 

Most people have something they have been procrastinating on. If it’s something of no importance, it’s ok. It can wait. But what about the critical projects that are meaningful to us and dear to our hearts and would allow us to move to the next level in our business? 

Sometimes, the emotional attachment to the project and its outcome can make it challenging for us to start taking action. 

Sometimes, the emotional attachment to the project and its outcome can make it challenging for us to start taking action. Quote from Veronica Volk

Common procrastination triggers include boredom, distractions, and feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Procrastination can also be a coping mechanism for dealing with stress and anxiety. 

When faced with an overwhelming or intimidating task, avoiding and engaging in other, easier, meaningless activities can bring instant gratification. Like the feeling you get when you cross off five non-important tasks from your To Do list. Because it feels like you have accomplished something. 

Procrastination can provide temporary relief, but it ultimately leads to increased stress and guilt or lower self-esteem in the long run. And the thing about guilt – it’s one of the lowest emotional vibrations, and therefore can impact us emotionally, physically, and mentally. 

To overcome procrastination, it is essential to understand its root cause. This way, we can develop some healthy coping mechanisms. 

Practical strategies to stop procrastinating include:

  • Setting clear, achievable and realistic goals in our business
  • Breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. 
  • Utilizing time management techniques such as prioritizing and scheduling time for working on the project

It can also be helpful to eliminate distractions, such as turning off notifications and limiting time spent on social media or other apps, mindless eating, or complaining. 

Creating a positive and motivating environment in your business can also be beneficial in reducing procrastination. The steps can include decluttering, decorating your work space with inspiring quotes or images, and surrounding yourself with supportive, encouraging people.

When we slow down to the speed of life, we can start seeing more possibilities in our business. Quote from Veronica Volk

Additionally, practicing self-care and managing stress is crucial in overcoming procrastination. Self-care can include:

  • Exercising: walking, running, doing weights, yoga, pilates, etc. 
  • Spending time in nature – whether it’s a park, beach or the woods
  • Practicing mindfulness throughout the day, while taking short breaks
  • Meditation which can help you to feel calmer 
  • Listening to hypnosis
  • Other relaxation techniques. 

When we slow down to the speed of life, we can start seeing more possibilities in our business. That’s why we often get insights while in the shower, walking in nature, or cooking. 

Seeking support from friends, family, a life coach, a hypnotist, or a therapist can also be incredibly helpful in managing procrastination tendencies.

Developing a sense of accountability can be a powerful tool in overcoming procrastination. Accountability can involve:

  • Setting deadlines for project milestones
  • Having an accountability buddy, partner, or mentor to check in with
  • Committing to regular progress updates.

Overcoming procrastination can profoundly impact a woman’s success in business. It is also essential to be mindful of the thoughts and behavior patterns contributing to procrastination. When entrepreneurs understand the causes and effects of procrastination, it’s easier to develop simple, practical strategies leading to results. Female entrepreneurs can learn to lead more fulfilling and productive lives where they feel better about themselves and get things done too!

It’s important to remember that progress takes time and to be kind and patient with yourself. Focus on progress rather than perfection. Celebrating small wins and recognizing the impact of positive changes can help you increase motivation and drive. With dedication and commitment, you can overcome procrastination and lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

Need help? For a FREE 45-minute Stop Procrastinating and Start Taking Action Strategy Session, email me at We will discover what’s holding you back and create a strategy to help you move forward in your life or business! 

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How To Stop Procrastinating and Start Taking Action in Your Business. Article by Veronica Volk on The Fempreneur Collective

Meet Veronica:

Veronica Volk is a Hypnotist and a Transformational/Mindset Coach living in Dover, NH. After many years in the corporate world in New York City, she became passionate about the personal development field. She helps ambitious female entrepreneurs and solopreneurs discover what’s holding them back in business to reprogram their mind for success, using coaching and hypnosis. 

Find her here:  linkedin | Facebook | Instagram